Monday, April 5

study of mercury

  • The planet Mercury was named by the Romans after Mercury, the god of commerce, travel and thievery because it moves so fast through the sky.
  • Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and because of this, it is very hot.(Temperatures on Mercury can range anywhere from 90 to 700 degrees)
  • It is a small rocky planet only slightly larger than our Moon. It also looks a lot like our Moon because it has lots of craters all over it.
  • Mercury also has huge cliffs on its surface some of which are a kilometre or two high and stretch out a long way.
  • Unlike many of the planets, Mercury doesn't have any moons.
  • You can see Mercury if you look for it through a pair of binoculars or even just by looking for it with your eyes, but it is often difficult to look at because it is so close to the Sun.
  • Due to its small angular separation from the Sun, which it orbits every 88 days
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